
Our Brands Ayaküstü Lezzetler

Ayaküstü Lezzetler YouTube channel, created by two food enthusiasts, Oğuz and Onur, was established with the aim of exploring street flavors all around the world and connecting local businesses in the food and beverage industry with food enthusiasts. In a short period of time, the channel has gained thousands of followers and achieved great success.

The duo, Yenihayat and Demir, who both enjoy lively discussions about food and create entertaining and humorous dialogues, perfectly reflect this camaraderie in their program.
The places they choose to visit are an integral part of this authenticity. From local eateries that embody the essence of your neighborhood to hidden gems like buffets, börek shops, kebab houses, open grills, bakeries, tea houses, and seafood restaurants, they explore every culinary destination.

While their main focus is food, Yenihayat and Demir also share information about the regions, cities, and neighborhoods they visit. They are self-proclaimed ‘true food enthusiasts’ who give the establishments the recognition they deserve. They avoid exaggerated comments, don’t hesitate to indulge in multiple servings of dishes they enjoy, and follow the principle of “better in my stomach than in my mind!”

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